martedì 17 gennaio 2012

carinerie italiane

"A duo from Rome, Italy, Heroin In Tahiti is composed by Valerio Mattioli (AAVV Videos, Thetlvmth) and Francesco De Figueiredo (Opium Child), both hailing from the so named “Borgata Boredom” scene, a sort of local community based in “Roma Est” (East Rome), the crumbling and deteriorated neighborhoods which were already immortalized by Pasolini and Neorealist Cinema (think of Pasolini, De Sica, Visconti etc). The duo plays a variety of cheap guitars, analog synths, drum machines and pedals, achieving a dirtiness which is tragically lo-fi and out-of-time at the same time: a “Spaghetti Wasteland”, as they call it."
BeMyDelay is the solo project of Marcella Riccardi (Blake/e/e/e, Franklin Delano, Massimo Volume), singer and guitarist. Her interest in archaic blues and adventurous music is the ground for building a song collection which tastes of experimental blues, vocali drones, acoustic pareidolia. BeMyDelay takes the listener to a soft voyage, letting the mind flow gently, a cosmic singalong where melodies come and go circularly, immersed in a muffled and ethereal atmosphere. Voice is used as an instrument, following the guitar loops and delays. The new album, entitled "ToTheOtherSideΔ" is based around manipulation of two loop stations, a couple of old wha-wha tibetan bells and some percussions, which togheter with the voice create circular vortex where the mind can loose herself into thousand echoes floating inside the songs. Marcella Riccardi aka BeMyDelay has played and sung with: Blake/e/e/e, Franklin Delano and Massimo Volume. With Franklin Delano she recorded three albums, of which "Like a smoking gun in front of me" (2004, mixed in Chicago by Brian Deck) and "Come Home" (2006, mixed at John McEntire’s Soma Studios and produced by Brian Deck) with the partecipation of musicians like Jim Becker, Ben Massarella, Tim Rutili from Califone, Fred Lomberg-Holm, Nick Broste, Josh Berman and Brian Deck himself. In 2008, with her new band, Blake/e/e/e, she started her collaboration with Vacuum Studio’s Bruno Germano, fine soundmaker and great musician (played with Settlefish among others). Blake/e/e record, "Border Radio", has been released in US by Freefolk Records and in Europe by Unhip Records. In 2011 she worked again with Bruno Germano to record and mix her new album as BeMyDelay "ToTheOtherSideΔ" which has been mastered by Carl Saff in Chicago. Marcella/BeMyDelay loves to play live and from 2004 until now she played three coast-to-coast tour in US, two european tours and more than one hundred gigs in Italy with her bands or alone.
Mamuthones is the project run by Alessio Gastaldello, founding member and former drummer of Jennifer Gentle. After a collaborative record with italian drone meister Fabio Orsi, Mamuthones released on Boring Machines his first proper album "Sator" in 2009, a record of dark, foreboding, hypnotic music. Sator takes its title from the mysterious engravings found in many ancient Roman ruins and Middle Age European churches: basically a riddle still without a solution, it is also the key to penetrate this album of moods, textures and impenetrable silences. The record reveals itself as a haunting listening experience, shimmering with a sort of dreamlike (or maybe nightmarish?) luminescence. Blackened whispers, Nico-esque harmoniums, subtle synth touches creeping in here and there: everything concurs in creating the melodic but arcane ambience permeating the entire album. In 2010 Gastaldello expands Mamuthones to a full band, including long-time friend Marco Fasolo aka Mr.Jennifer Gentle on guitars and the 64 years old drummer Maurizio Boldrin, a local myth who used to play in Pino Donaggio's ensemble (yes, the same Donaggio who wrote “You don’t have to say you love me” and soundtracked multiple Brian De Palma, Nicholas Roeg and Joe Dante movies). The new eponymous album is a definite step beyond previous Mamuthones’ releases: it still retains the droney, foreboding darkness of its older siblings, but this time the sound is the one of a raw, aggressive rock trio. Mamuthones has received international praise by the likes of The Wire, Rock-a-Rolla, Uncut, Mojo and also The Times, the worldwide known newspaper.

domenica 15 gennaio 2012


Questa è la storia di una canzone, raccontata in due immagini. Non starò a dilungarmi su quanto siamo poetici, su quanto si sia intellettuali e delicati. Questa è la storia di una canzone di provincia, una canzone d'amore e di aspettative deluse. Parla dei treni mancati e di quelli presi, che si rivelano dei viaggi alla fantozzi, attaccati alla coda del treno, tremanti. Questa è la storia di una cantina che puzza di merda, delle sua umidità e dei nostri amplificatori; è la storia delle nostre dita incapaci quasi sempre, ma tozze, quasi mai; questa è la storia dei nostri strumenti, sempre rotti; è la storia del freddo e del caldo che abbiamo patito; di cosa abbiamo immaginato, ma scritto mai. Perciò, attraverso la saudade a cui siamo votati eternamente, cantiamo la nostra canzone.

Giorno di festa

ieri sera siamo andati alla Flog a vedere Fiumani. Un'enorme soddisfazione riuscire a vedere i Diaframma a Firenze: una liberazione, in un certo senso. Immenso, si avverte la sua presenza scenica senza che dica niente, anzi, è molto a suo agio, cambia le canzoni in corsa. Leggendario e un po' affaticato.

(una liberazione)

sabato 14 gennaio 2012


Caldo, tira il vento non si sa, cachasa e grappa e volontà,in questo lago artificiale che danneggia l’anima, vestita a festa anche il dottore l’accento un po’ meridionale, sforna ricette e droghe usate per passare all’aldilà, di là dal fondo del secchiello del ragazzino col coltello che intaglia i salici piangenti mentre si gioca a briscola
Si alza il sole all’orizzonte qui sul lungo mare di Bahia.

Ed il pastore impreca sul suo gregge c’è che si fotte della legge, c’è chi si taglia e chi si uccide chi si ubriaca di bontà. Comizi organizzati e duty free, chi entra in acqua e fa pipì chi si distrugge dalle canne chi non vorrebbe essere qui, l’eroe di guerra è ritornato, o mamma mia quant’è cambiato, ha il viso pallido e sciupato e un conto in banca da pascià

C’è chi piange e chi ha la tosse qui sul lungo mare di bahia.
